mainly music
mainly music is held at St Clements Church Function Centre,
100 Beach Road, Kingston.
Tuesdays during the school term
10 -11:30am
mainly music is a fun and engaging music playgroup for little people (birth to full-time school age) and their parents/carers. We begin with half an hour of music, rhymes, singing and dancing which provides great opportunity to spend special time with your little person while enhancing skills in early development such as listening, singing, rhythm and movement. The music time is followed by indoor and outdoor play, morning tea for both adults and their little people and a great time of connection with others in a welcoming environment.
What should I bring?
A small snack and water bottle/sippy cup for your little person.
check out mainlymusic.org
E: mainlymusic.kingstontas@gmail.com
call Jenny on 0409 545 395